Ahh cars. You get your first set of keys when you’re 18, ‘park’ at the drive-in for a little smoochie smooch with your crush, maybe take her for a spin when you’re feeling blue. It’s a better love story than Twilight.
Which leads one to wonder. Why on Earth would you neglect that fine piece of machinery that’s given you so many memories and wind-swept hair?
Here’s 4 ways you might be damaging your car. With or without knowing.
Not servicing regularly
It might sound like Captain Obvious with Kool-Aid, but when’s the last time you took your baby for a checkup?
If the answer is around the same time you last went to a dentist, you’re probably harbouring a cavity to go with a fudged up air filter.

No two cars are the same when it comes to servicing, and so there’s no real rule of thumb that says take your car in after x miles, despite what the blue bird manual says.
Don’t ignore the literature that came with your car. Pop open the glove compartment, take out the manual and give it a good read back to front. Hey, with the lock down, you’ve got all the time in the world to do it.
Not sure where to take your car to get serviced? Just head over to our car care page, plug in a few deets and you’ll be matched with a suitable garage or workshop in close proximity.
Tired tires
Do you watch Formula 1? If you do, or don’t, one thing you’ll notice is how many times drivers change their tires.
Conventional wisdom might suggest that those thick rubber hides are self sufficient and strong enough to handle terrains like a bleeding mountain goat. In truth, it’s quite the opposite.
They’re much like Josh Brollin (Thanos for those not in the know). Nice and sturdy on the outside, soft and sensitive on the inside. Get them checked. Regularly. Especially for pressure and alignment.

If you live in the UAE, there are some specific tire laws you need to be familiar with. You can read more about that here.
You can also fill up your knowledge tank by knowing what the numbers on your tires stand for. Check that out here.
As slick as Marlon Brando’s hair
Now, imagine you get a packet of juice. Fresh and zesty. What if you leave it out for some time? We all know what the eff happens.
So maybe your car’s fluids won’t carry the silage of Ra’s tomb, but the levels might be running low. And you’ll never know. That’s like dehydration 101 for your old Chevy on the go.
Whenever you’re filling up at the gas station, check your oil and water levels. Top up if needed. Check the filters too. It’s the little things that ensure longevity. I mean, you don’t want to end up like this guy.
If you’re still not convinced how changing oil is essential, pop over to the first episode of our Dummy’s Guide and check it out.
McDonald’s wrappers on the floor
Definitely doesn’t have the same swagger as Versace on the floor, but let’s leave that to Bruno Mars.

So this isn’t outwardly one of 4 ways you might be damaging your car, but you don’t need Marie Kondo to tell you that a clean car yields a clear mind.
There’s a lot of uncertainty around COVID-19. This means you may not get to take your car out for a bath, but that doesn’t mean you just leave it gathering dust in the garage.
Make it a regular Sunday thing. Go to the hardware store. Get yourself two buckets, car shampoo, microfibre drying towel, and a wash mitt.
And it’s not just the outside. It’s the inside too. Ask for an alcohol based solution, brush and/or a vacuum cleaner (hand held baby). Get some of that window cleaner too for the glass.
Don’t know where to start? How about with those sweet wrappers, empty coffee cups and what we can only presume is gum under the seat.
You can check out General Motors’ top tips for car cleaning here.
In addition to those 4 ways you might be damaging your car
- Don’t slam into potholes. You’ll damage the suspensions and can scratch the chassis.
- Don’t speed over bumps. They’re there for you to slow down and keep yourself and other people safe. Your car’s bumper will thank you for it. Can’t see them because you’re looking down at your phone? Try HUD.
- Don’t ignore your parking break. Seriously, putting your car on ‘Park’ doesn’t mean it’s home free.
- Don’t go from reverse to drive without stopping. Or you’ll be singing an ode to your transmission box.
- Don’t ignore dashboard lights. Would you ignore a sharp pain in the neck? No. You’d go to the doc. Take your car to one the moment any of those lights show up. Again, our car care page will help.
- Don’t wait until your tank’s empty. You don’t need to be a daredevil. Your car could make the four miles, but so could you in a hot desert with one sip of water left. Oh wait, you’re not John Wick, fill her up!
- Don’t keep hitting your brakes. Give them a break. Be sensible, keep a good distance from other cars and cruise along. Nice and easy.
Summing up the 4 ways you might be damaging your car.
And there you have it, 4 ways you might be damaging your car. Without knowing it, even.
In the words of Ray Stantz from Ghostbusters: “Everybody can relax…I found the car. Needs some suspension work and shocks. Brakes, brake pads, lining, steering box, transmission, rear end.”

Take care of your car, and your car will take care of you. Make sure you’re up to speed with car insurance as well. You can read more about that here.
Get your car serviced today. Use our car care feature to find out more.
Got a car cleaning routine? Let us know in the comments section below, and you could win a free pick-up/drop-off from Mikaniki (first 3 comments only).