Tired of spending lots of money on refueling your cars? Following convenient fuel conserving tips can lower your expenses. Here are 5 tips to save fuel and get the best performance from your car. These tips will not only help you make lots of savings but also lower the CO2 emission; ideal for environmentally conscious car-drivers.
Service & Care equals Savings
Ensure that your car gets regular and adequate servicing; this will help cut costs in its functioning. For taking appropriate care of your car you must:
- Keep the filters clean
- Keep the car ignition system in good condition
- Make sure that the engine is tuned properly
- Replace the engine oil on regular intervals and use standard oil grade; these will be mentioned by the carmakers
The savings in the context are not just limited to fuel, but it extends to the increased life span of your car as well.
Use Cruise Control
Using the cruise control function will maintain for maintaining a constant speed. We might unknowingly accelerate non-essentially; cruise control can promote better fuel economy by reducing this. It also ensures a smooth and comfortable drive, while evading unnecessary speeding.
Maintain Air Pressure in Tyres
Get yourself a tyre gauge as a part of your car toolkit, this will allow you to keep a check on the tyre pressure. If the tyres haves an improper pressure levels this it can cut the fuel economy by 2 percent/ pound. You can have a look at the sticker near the car’s doorpost for information about the correct air pressure. Keeping proper air pressure will acquire ensure proper performance from the car, with increased safety and extended tyre life. This will not only save your expenses on tyre upkeep but also refueling.
Reduce Weight
If possible, try to decrease the excess gear you carry in your car. This load includes objects like toolboxes, golf clubs, etc. as this may elevate the fuel consumption of the car. Furthermore, accessories like roof racks should be removed when not needed; they increase fuel use by increasing your car’s drag.
The car engines are highly burdened with regular use of air-conditioning systems; this decreases fuel efficiency. By limiting the use of AC units, you can save up to 4%! Hence, steer clear from using air conditioners whenever possible. Keep the air vents and windows open to get fresh air. While this may not be feasible during summer, it’s a great idea for enjoying the clear winter weather of GCC.

As we all are well-aware of the fact that CO2 emissions from vehicles affect climate change. Following these tips will not only save money and fuel but also our planet. These pointers will assist you in increasing car mileage and fuel economy; and comprehensively will make a difference to our environment. These also facilitate you in driving safer.
And there you have it, 5 tips to save fuel today, for a better tomorrow. Want some more tips and tricks like this? Head on over to this page and find out more.