Picture this. You’re taking a leisurely stroll around the neighbourhood, when you spot this parked along the curb:

A TR6! In red! Who’s the owner? How did he or she get one of these? What’re the specs, what’s the exact make, the model? What’s the story! AAAAAAAARGGHHH!
You wait, and wait, but the owner’s nowhere insight, and you’ve really got to dash. Such a shame, if only there was someway you could magically pluck information about this car out of thin air…
You’re about to walk away, stumped, when suddenly you notice this in the windshield:

A QR code? Let’s get scanning! You pull your cell phone out, aim the camera at the disc, and Oh. My. God.
Everything there is to know about the car’s right there on your screen. The make, model, year, specs, the whole shebang. No apps, no digital hurdles, nada.
Seeing is believing

I just scanned the code, and learned that the owner always wanted a purple TR6. He bought his first one for just over £2,000! But thanks to high insurance costs, he shelved the dream car for another day, and settled for a Triumph Spitfire MK4.
Fast forward to 1989, and our collector finds a battered TR6 in need of some lovin’. He sets up shop, enlists his father and brother, and gets to working on restoring the old boy.
Two years later, in ’91, after passing an MOT on the second try, the restored TR6 was ready to fly.
Go on, give the QR a scan for yourself and get to know the full details of how a man with a vision brought a classic back to life. Here’s a close up of the disc for your convenience:

By the car lovers for the car lovers
This ingenious invention is a Car Facts Disc and is the brainchild of Paul Tombs, Managing Director at Buzz2Get and heavy-duty car enthusiast. We’re talking about a guy who owns a 1904 Cadillac Model B, you know, the “feature car” of the 2015 London to Brighton Car Run.
Paul took his passion for classic cars and mated it to the old paper car tax disc system with a modern twist, allowing car lovers to easily learn more about the showstoppers and their mysterious owners. Sounds like a Tom Collins on a sunny day, and is just as satisfying, if not more.
It’s great for car owners too. Think about it, instead of going through the ardour of setting up a blog or webpage detailing your car’s trivia, you can save a shed load of time and document your car’s history in an “easily accessible and editable digital format.”
If you’re a car owner driving in the UK, you should definitely get your hands on one. To think that for just £17, you can avail your ride to and connect with the entire car-loving community, so that the next time a budding petrolhead’s taking a walk down Bond Street, it’ll be your story they’ll get to know through your bespoke Car Facts Disc.
Oh and, if you don’t drive a classic, no problem. They’ve got ones for modern cars too.
Check out their website for more information, and to see three other disc samples including an Avenger, E-type Jaguar and TVR Vixen S3!
I wonder, if you get a Car Facts Disc for the DB5, would Goldfinger show up? #curious