Unusual cars of the month

Is the flux capacitor fluxing on the Delorean? Are Scooby and the gang ready to solve another crime aboard the Mystery Machine? What about the guys you gonna call when there’s something strange in the neighbourhood? These prime television and film heroes sure had some unusual, and truly iconic cars and we’re counting them off each month.

You can look forward to taking trips down memory lane, putting yourself behind the wheels of some really unforgettable rides, and cruising along with us as we take a heroes journey through childhood in the 90s, or go back to the future to set things right.

Whatever it is you’re after, our list of unusual cars will make you sit up and take notice. Enjoy!

  • Unusual cars of the month

November’s Top 5 most Iconic and unusual movie vehicles

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  • Unusual cars of the month

October’s Top 5 most Iconic and unusual movie vehicles

Phoo-ey! I'm still reeling from last month's Mad Max feature, which came jam packed with some insanely bizarre and utterly…

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September’s Top 5 most Iconic and unusual movie vehicles

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August’s Top 5 most Iconic and unusual movie vehicles

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July’s Top 5 most Iconic and unusual movie vehicles

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  • Unusual cars of the month

June’s Top 5 most Iconic and unusual movie vehicles

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  • Fun corner

May’s Top 5 most Iconic and unusual movie vehicles

We ended April's edition of iconic vehicles with the Mystery Machine. That got us thinking: there are some truly awe-tastic…

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  • Unusual cars of the month

April’s Top 5 most Iconic and unusual movie vehicles

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