We’ve probably overextended our welcome into Gordon Murray’s fantastically mechanical world where the GMA T.50 is concerned. But what other car could possibly take number one on this list?
A lot of you will be quick to say that we’ve had two Fords and no Porsches, but we’ll save those for the honourable mentions. Just as well that the 2021 Porsche 911 Targa 4s misses out to make way for the McLaren F1’s upgraded offspring: the GMA T.50.

Brilliant in every way
Yes it’s an engineering masterpiece. Yes, it’s Gordon Murray at his very best, with all the tech and materials available to him. And yes it weighs less than 1000 kgs. It’s gorgeous, it’s spectacular and we all want one, although by now, Murray’s probably already sold them all (he had already sold two thirds with one concept sketch alone).
If we’re talking about matches made in heaven, this one’s second to none. Gordon Murray mated a custom H-pattern six-speeder from Xtrac to the glorious Cosworth GMA V12 engine, which has been hailed as arguably the best V12 engine ever made.
Another knockout from Xtrac
It had to be this brilliant and, crucially, lightweight Xtrac manual to be able to make the most of all the low-end torque available from a motorcycle-like 12,100 RPM redline. Not that you’ll be revving it to that point, but the option is available and the gearbox allows for it.

The Xtrac features five close-ratio, high speed gears for insane acceleration (who didn’t love the pick on the McLaren F1?), and a longer spur sixth gear for smooth cruising embedded in 0.94-inch aluminium. Murray’s deliberately not boxed this sacred knob in because he wants you to feel as close to the mechanics as possible.
Murray has described this as “the ultimate gearchange – a tactile short throw with a narrow cross gate for a smooth, crisp, satisfying shift.” Gotta admit, hearing Gordon Murray talk cars is just as satisfying as a cold beer on a hot, hot summer’s day.
And that’s that, Gordon Murray’s genius car is number one on our list of 5 upcoming rides with manual transmission.