The COVID era has proven to be a make or break situation for the world. Some people have succumbed to the pressure of social distancing, while others have reinvented themselves. Landlord Andrew Mear from Norwood Green, UK, falls in the latter category.
Andrew was Mearly (#dadjoke) taking his pet pooch out for a stroll, when he ended up some 20 miles north of his home in remote Skipton. After a pint (or two), and a little restroom business, he figured he’d make the 20 miles back home and call it a day.
A diamond in the ruff
Now I see this playing out as a film, even though it’s probably jam packed with hyperbole. For the sake of this next bit, we’ll call the dog Rover.
Andy and Rover embarked on the long trek back to Norwood Green, Halifax, oblivious to what treasures they may find on the trail. Suddenly, something catches Rover’s attention, and he bundles right off the track into the field. “Rove!” Andy calls, but to no avail. When something tickles a canine’s curiosity, there’s no reeling it in.
Following Rover’s incessant barking, Andy stumbles upon an entanglement of twisted metal and moss. There’s no mistaking the classic contours of a VW Transporter T2, Miss Sofie’s daughter. Who in the hell would dump such a beauty out in a field and leave her withering in the elements?
It doesn’t matter. Andy has a lightbulb moment. There’s just 24,000 miles on the clock, and even though it’s in piss poor condition, a new battery and some TLC will get the old girl fired up and running. You never, ever rule out a VW Transporter.
He locates an isolated cottage some thirty yards away. That’s gotta be the owner’s crib. He steps up, knocks twice, and this guy answers it:

“G’day sir, the old girl for sale?” Andy nods pointedly at the T2.
“It’ll cost you 20 grand.”
“20?” Andy says, looking incredulously at Mr Proudfoot. “C’mon, she won’t even run!”
“Will too if you give her a kick up the arse.”
“There’s something you can do, reason with me.”
Mr Proudfoot scowls. “Alrigh’, alrigh’, 9 big uns and that’s me final offer, won’t go lower than that.”
And so for £9,000, Andy and Rover walk away with a Transporter T2, while Mr. Proudfoot puts his proud foots back up on the stool and continues smoking his pipe 9 grand the better.
The T2: Back from the brink
It took Andrew and a team of local mechanics a Mear 6 weeks to restore the old girl to her glory days. They installed a new starter motor, upgraded the engine, repurposed the pop-up roof into an expanding canopy for advertising banners, repaired the passenger door and dressed her up in a fresh coat of paint.

He finished the pimping off with an exhibition area installed into the back, for when he’s serving fresh lemonade or showing off his new inventions to local or visiting crowds. Xzibit and Mad Mike would be hella proud.
We can all expect this rejuvenated T2 to become an emblem of Skipton, making appearances during festival days and sitting pretty outside the High Corn Mill, which is one of several historic properties in town that Andrew owns. I mean, you can’t really miss the distinctive camper with its beautiful city-scape livery rolling around Skipton’s passageways.
Meanwhile, Mr. Proudfoot, or whomever the previous owner was, must be kicking himself. Just comes to show that there are diamonds in the rough, not that I want to get all Disney on you fine folks.
If you happen to be visiting Skipton, or passing through, make sure you keep an eye out for the T2. Definitely worth it.