The Rolls Royce Phantom is to cars what Patek Philippe is to watches: pure luxury. And you know what they say about the Rolls; you don’t drive it yourself, you get Alfred to chauffeur you around in it.

With eight generations behind the modern second gen Phantom, it has a rich history of refinement, elegance and performance. It’s a name that has over time become a symbol of material success, a defining moment in a person’s journey through materialistic life, and will take its place in the upper echelons of the greatest V12-powered cars ever to be made.
Silent, but deadly
Just to be clear, we’re not talking about farts. You can’t even say fart near a Rolls Royce, that would be sacrilegious.
Ever heard the rumour that the loudest sound you’ll hear sitting in a Rolls Royce is your ticking watch? It’s not as ludicrous as it sounds.
Sitting back in the ample rear cabin, you’ll barely here the 6.7L V12’s 34dB as all 12 cylinders get to work, bringing you the combined power of 573 steeds.
It’s as quiet as a projector’s fan, which between crunching down on your popcorn and Hans Zimmer’s imperious score on the Dark Knight films, you probably won’t hear.

Phat and fast
But you’re probably sitting there thinking, how on Earth do you steer such a massive car? First, uh, why are you stressed about driving this yourself? Remember Alfred, your trusted butler?
So for Alfred’s benefit, the geniuses at Rolls have set the car’s pedals at perfectly metered intervals, which allows Alfred to glide effortlessly along the motorway, while you prepare for your pitch meeting.
Getting late for said meeting? Don’t worry. If Alfred puts the pedal to the metal, he can get from naught to 160km/h in less than 12 seconds. That’s right, the Phantom might be your 2.8T plus size car, but man can she gun it when needed.

It’s a car that screams grandeur, reeks of opulence and embraces the true spirit of refinement in every aspect, and wholly deserves a shout out on our list of all time V12 greats. Watch this space for the list’s next reveal!