road safety

  • Dummy's Guide

Help! My battery is dead, what should I do?

You’re out on a camping trip, when you accidentally leave your headlamps on. Come the morrow, you turn the key…

4 years ago
  • Tips & Tricks

GEM has 5 great tips for you to stay safe on the road

Road safety is a serious issue. Nearly 4,000 people die every day because of road accidents, and this is raising…

4 years ago
  • Tips & Tricks

Continental offers safety tips for motorists in the Middle East

It looks like there’s finally light at the end of the long, dark tunnel that’s been COVID-19. Government restrictions are…

5 years ago
  • Tips & Tricks

UAE’s car tire laws

Here’s a topic that’ll have you on the edge of your seat. It’s a brand new Bugatt…  Just kidding. It’s…

5 years ago